Larry Keating

President & CEO, NPC DataGuard

Larry Keating

President & CEO, NPC DataGuard


Larry Keating is the president of NPC DataGuard. Through NPC he invented and brought to market his industry’s first secure managed endpoint computing solution.
Larry is also president and CEO of Keating Technologies he founded in 1987, that has generated more than $2B in technology sales and services to Canadians, and is a three-time national winner of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies award.
Larry served as founding chairman of the Ministers’ Technology Advisory Group for the Province of Ontario; a member of the Chair’s Advisory Council on e-Government; senior technical advisor to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario for the Aboriginal Computer Literacy Program; First Ambassador for Privacy by Design for the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario; current member of the Investment Industry Association of Canada’s Cyber Security Committee and past chairman of the board of Vanity Software Corp.

He is a frequent speaker and writer on a variety of topics including data security, cybercrime, privacy legislation, technology trends and economic opportunity through the adoption and deployment of new technologies.
Larry is active on a number of community advisory boards and committees, former member of the Seneca College Campaign Cabinet, the Markham-Stouffville Hospital Foundation, past vice chair of the Premier’s Technology Dinner and currently sits on the York University Impact Campaign Cabinet. Larry and his companies have supported a variety of not-for-profit organizations such as Ability Online, Operation Herbie, Yellow Brick House and Youth Unlimited. He has received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, as well as the Lieutenant Governor’s Hilary M. Weston Community Volunteer Award for distinguished public service.